jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

Sortida al Montseny

Sortida al Montseny

El dia 17 d`abril els grups 2nB i 2nC vam anar d`excursió al Montseny per apendre noves coses sobre la naturalesa. En aquesta excursió ens van enseyar com és el Montseny, i quins arbres i havien en determinades zones. La hora de sortida era les 08:45 a la plaça de les magnòlies i la hora d`arribada eren les 17:00. Vam trigar una hora en arribar i quan vam arribar vam esmorzar. Ens van presentar els monitors i ens van separar per clases,  ens van ensenyar com era la vegetació del Montseny. Desprès de caminar uns 5 quilòmetres aproximadament vam veure molts arbres i ens van explicar la diferencia entre un arbust i un arbre i els animals que vivien en aquell parc.

jueves, 28 de abril de 2011


Hachiko was an Akita dog breed born in November 1923 in the city of Odate. In 1924 he was transferred to Tokyo by his owner, Eisaburō Ueno, a professor in the Department of Agriculture, University of Tokyo. The dog greeted each day from the front door and fired the next day at the end of Shibuya station. Hachiko's devotion that he felt towards his master's death shocked those around him, which they called the faithful dog. In April 1934, a bronze statue was erected in his honor in Shibuya Station, and Hachiko himself was present the day the statue was presented. Hachiko died of filariasis in March 1935. His remains are in the Natural Science Museum Ueno (Tokyo).

sábado, 23 de abril de 2011

Personal comment

These two men have to do a mission for the FBI, posing as women and ho to college girls. One of them falls for a girl, the girl does not known that he is a man, thought to be a woman. There are some  murderers who want to kill the two men, and stealing a music box. At the end of the movie the girl falls for the man who posed as a woman and the police arrested the murderers

jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

ST1:Maria`s fauvorite activites are play the piano and talk on the phone.
ST2:David`s fauvorite activites are liste to music and watch TV.
My: Rodrigo`s favourite activites are chat on the internet and watch TV.